Yu Yu Hakusho and Hunter x Hunter are both incredible manga/anime franchises that have seen immense popularity among anime fans around the world. It's not uncommon for fans of one to also enjoy the other for a variety of different reasons. Those who enjoy both might take notice of the fact that, despite their differences, both shows actually have quite a bit in common.
Whether audiences might see similarities between the main characters in Yu Yu Hakusho and Hunter x Hunter or perhaps frequent themes surrounding their narratives, there is no doubt that the shows are alike. Despite this knowledge, viewers might be surprised to find the additional ways in which both beloved series resemble one another. There are several very noticeable similarities between Yu Yu Hakusho and Hunter x Hunter that fans are sure to spot in no time.
Likely the biggest reason fans will find so many similarities between Yu Yu Hakusho and Hunter x Hunter is because of the artist who created them: Yoshihiro Togashi. Togashi is a well-known and talented Japanese manga artist who has been working on manga on and off since 1986. Yu Yu Hakusho, which first began in 1990, and Hunter x Hunter, which started in 1998, are some of the works that he is best known for. For his work, he's received such notable rewards as the Tezuka Award in 1986 and the Shogakukan Manga Award in 1993. Both of these series have also gone on to serve as inspiration to other popular manga artists further down the line, such as Naruto's Masashi Kishimoto and Jujutsu Kaisen's Gege Akutami.
There are more similarities between protagonists Gon and Yusuke beyond their appearance and visual esthetics. One of their biggest commonalities is their estranged relationship with their fathers. Both Gon and Yusuke's fathers weren't around for most of their lives, though viewers don't actually learn much about Yusuke's father. In Gon's case, his father, Ging, placed him in someone else's care when he was only two years old. In spite of the fact that they don't know each other well, Gon is eventually motivated to seek out his father and wants to become a Hunter to better understand the profession that his father loved. On the other hand, Yusuke doesn't seem to interact with his biological father much, if at all.
Additionally, both Gon and Yusuke care deeply about their friends and are driven to feats of incredible strength when their friends' lives are threatened. This is shown in several instances, including the times that Yusuke believed Kuwabara was killed and when Gon finds out that Kite is dead. It's also worth noting that both heroes show a similar aesthetic, with green being the primary color of their outfits.
8 Kuwabara & Leorio Are The Heart of Their Friend Groups
In both Hunter x Hunter and Yu Yu Hakusho, the main group of four characters has someone who feels most like the heart of the group. Although each series technically has a lot of human characters, these ones in particular feel the most relatable surrounded by the other characters' otherworldly strengths. This of course doesn't mean that these characters are weak, in fact they possess formidable strength in their own right, but they are unfortunately underestimated and often made the butt of a joke.
Despite often playing the role of comedic relief out of the four characters in their respective groups, Kuwabara and Leorio are essential members of the team that help balance out the dynamic. Their goals even seem to put them on a different trajectory than the rest of the group (such as Leorio working on his medical license and Kuwabara furthering his education), but they still maintain their strong relationships with the other members of the group and are respected and cared for in return.
7 Hiei & Killua Are The Lethal & Lonely Teammates
When it comes to shonen anime, there is often a protagonist who insists that they're better off on their own. However, the relationships they develop with those around them end up changing them for the better and opening their world a little more. Hiei and Killua are just such characters. Both of them are deadly fighters who consider themselves irredeemable, largely because of what devastating past events have forced them to become. However, regardless of their initial ambivalence, Hiei and Killua do eventually warm up to their companions.
Hiei and Killua share commonalities among their past, as well. Both have, to put it mildly, complicated relationships with their family that have caused them to lead rather solitary lives. In spite of that, however, they also each have a sister for whom they would do anything and who also serves as a primary motivating factor in some huge decisions in their life.
6 Kurama & Kurapika Are Deadly Pretty Boys
Kurama and Kurapika are both characters that can seem deceptively mild to their foes in appearance and manner, which can lead to their enemies underestimating them. Both of them appear as their team's bishounen hero who relies on a more tactical approach when it comes to fighting. However, they each harbor their own deadly secrets. These secrets are revealed in time—actually pretty quickly in the case of Kurapika—and some are drawn out at climactic moments, such as when Kurama inadvertently reverted to his demon form during the Dark Tournament. With troubled pasts that belie their calm countenance, these bishonen companions are not to be trifled with and have shown they can hold their own on the battlefield on multiple occasions.
Both Yu Yu Hakusho and Hunter x Hunter contain characters with otherworldly abilities. The source of these abilities is based on the fundamental energy that exists within living beings of that universe. For Hunter x Hunter, Nen offers users the ability to manipulate their life energy and that can manifest in a variety of different skills and techniques. For Yu Yu Hakusho, humans possess life energy (reiki) while demons possess demon energy (yoki). These various energies serve as indicators of someone's strength and can also be used as a weapon in different ways. For instance, Kuwabara channels his spirit energy in the shape of a sword and Yusuke fires his like a projectile from his finger with his Spirit Gun.
4 Yu Yu Hakusho & Hunter x Hunter Feature Many Strange Creatures
In Yu Yu Hakusho, there exist humans and demons who dwell in their respective realms, though it is possible for them to cross over. Demons, like the creatures in Hunter x Hunter, come in a variety of shapes and sizes, humanoid and non, and often possess unique abilities or even elemental powers. Some of the demons from the series are said to consume humans. In particular, extremely high-powered demons like The Three Kings are known to rely on humans as their main source of food.
In Hunter x Hunter, there are a variety of animals and unknown creatures that exist throughout the world with a number of supernatural abilities themselves. Some creatures seem fairly docile while others are violent and formidable. During the Chimera Ant arc, the series introduces the infamous chimera ants. Chimera ants are dangerous insects that reproduce by consuming, thus imparting qualities of the consumed to their offspring. Humans are shown to be a frequently advantageous source of food for the Chimera Ants and are often given to Chimera Ant Queen to produce offspring with increased intellect and capabilities.
3 Yu Yu Hakusho & Hunter x Hunter Show the Value of Friendship
Both Hunter x Hunter and Yu Yu Hakusho see a group of four characters working together toward a common goal. While the characters forge stronger friendships as the shows go on, they each have their own goals and motivations that brought them to that moment. Although some major arcs in both series involve all four of these main characters fighting together, viewers also spend time with each one on their own journey. Sometimes their goals lead them on parallel or even intersecting paths, and sometimes every character has to go it alone for a little while. However, regardless of the time they spend apart, the moments where all four of them are reunited become that much more meaningful.
2 Yu Yu Hakusho & Hunter x Hunter Have Incredible Tournaments
Tournaments are a huge plot point in shonen anime, and Yu Yu Hakusho and Hunter x Hunter are no different. Some of the most memorable arcs from each series involve a series of battles to fight or tasks to accomplish in order for the characters to achieve an ultimate goal. Yu Yu Hakusho has the Genkai tournament, its famous Dark Tournament, and the Demon World Tournament. While not technically a tournament, a similar concept exists in Hunter x Hunter's Hunter Exam arc and the show also features a number of tournaments such as the one at the center of the Heavens Arena arc.
1 Yu Yu Hakusho & Hunter x Hunter Tackle Similar Themes
As one might expect from two series that were made by the same creator, Yu Yu Hakusho and Hunter x Hunter share several common themes. Among them are the prevalence of motifs such as friendship, tragedy, and the process of growing up. Viewers can glimpse several instances of these themes throughout the narrative of both shows.
It isn't uncommon for friendship to be a frequent theme in anime in general—and certainly within the shonen genre. The casts' bond with others plays a huge role in their growth, their capabilities, and the trajectory of their character arcs. Tragedy exists within some, if not all of the main characters' past and plays a role in defining their road forward. The process of growing up can mean a lot of different things; yes, these characters get older, but they also learn more about themselves and others. All of these components serve the shows' overall story, by making the narrative relatable and helping readers connect the author's ideas and intent with larger issues. Additionally, they can help give both the characters and the story more emotional depth.
In spite of the ways that both series share commonalities, Yu Yu Hakusho and Hunter x Hunter also seem appreciated by fans for their own unique storylines and the individual complexity of their characters. When taking into account that both were created by the same artist, it makes sense that there are some overlaps in ideas, character traits, and more. However, there's a reason that each series also tends to stand on its own in the minds of their fans.
Whether someone enjoys one more than other or both equally, it's impossible not to acknowledge the success that both Yu Yu Hakusho and Hunter x Hunter have seen. Not to mention, the properties they possess that make them strong shonen series in their own right. The success of two of Yoshihiro Togashi's major series undoubtedly stems from Togashi's ability to create memorable worlds and complex characters that stay in the hearts of Yu Yu Hakusho and Hunter x Hunter fans for many years to come.